
Do you know the meaning of revelation, inspiration, and illumination? Do you know why our Bibles have sixty-six books? Can you trace the major events that led to the translation of the Bible into English? Could you explain to someone the message of the Bible? These studies will help answer those questions and lead you to a greater appreciation for God's Word. Fourth in the BuildUP series.
About the BuildUP Bible study series: BuildUP Bible studies are designed to encourage spiritual growth in specific areas.
Believe the Gospel Understand Biblical Ethics Internalize Godliness Learn Doctrine Develop Life Skills Uplift Others Prepare to Serve Each study may be used individually or in small group settings.
Author Bio
Valerie Wilson (DRE, Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania) is a Christian educator who is active in children's and women's ministries in her church. She retired from Regular Baptist Press, Schaumburg, Ill., after 40 years of editorial and conference ministry. She continues to be involved in freelance curriculum writing.