
There is no greater investment of one’s time and energy than to read and study God’s Word. The psalmist explained, “The entrance of your word gives light and understanding to those who are simple.” Believing these words to be true, we humbly present the New Testament Exposition Commentary (NTEC) series to local churches for their understanding and guidance in God’s truth.
Regular Baptist Ministries and the editors of the NTEC series share the goal of serving the church well through the careful exposition of the entire New Testament. This is important for three reasons. First, Christ announced to His disciples on the night before His trial, “This is my blood of the new covenant.” What had been prophesied and longed for in the Hebrew Scriptures finds fulfillment in Christ. Without contradiction Christ will redeem Israel through His blood while calling many to Himself “out of the nations.” What was “a mystery, which had been hidden in God for ages” is now revealed in His Word; this is our pursuit.
Second, Christ said, “I will build my church.” The New Testament explains Christ’s unique design to form His church in this present age through His Spirit. Such divine direction requires the redeemed—Christ’s Body—to know His plan and to act within their local churches to magnify Him in a hurting, helpless world. This instruction is found only in the Bible.
Finally, though Christ said He would ascend back to Heaven after His resurrection, He promised, “I will come again.” While we eagerly await “the glorious appearing of our Savior” and His subsequent earthly reign, we trace the inspired text, which equips us to follow Him.
The NTEC series honors the integrity and authority of Christ’s words to His church. We pray local church members will be transformed into Christlikeness as they study God’s Word with the help of these volumes.
"Chris Miller’s clear and thoughtful exposition of Matthew provides pastors and teachers in local churches with a reliable roadmap to the overall story of this Gospel, which will be a great aid as these followers of the Messiah live together as communities that model our Lord’s teaching and obey his commission to make disciples of all people groups."
—Ryan Meyer, Assistant Professor of Biblical Languages, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
Author Bio
For more than 40 years, Dr. Miller has been teaching Bible at the college level and has been a part of Cedarville University since 1991. He earned his academic degrees from Tennessee Temple (BA), Grace Theological Seminary (ThM), and Dallas Theological Seminary (PhD). Serving alongside Daniel Davey, he is co-editor of the New Testament Exposition Commentary series.