
Discover how to meet the needs of other people—and share with them the love of Christ.
About the BuildUP Bible study series: BuildUP Bible studies are designed to encourage spiritual growth in specific areas.
Believe the Gospel Understand Biblical Ethics Internalize Godliness Learn Doctrine Develop Life Skills Uplift Others Prepare to Serve Each study may be used individually or in small group settings.
Author Bio
Michael Peck (DMin, Luther Rice Seminary) is vice president of Baptist Church Planters in Grafton, Ohio. He is involved in a national ministry involving marriage, parenting, and other counseling-related issues. Previously he filled the roles of pastor and assistant pastor in several churches in New York, served as chaplain of the Binghamton Police Department (Binghamton, N.Y.), and served on various ministry boards. Michael and his wife, Karen, have parented 25 children through birth, adoption, and foster parenting.