
The first step in managing one's life is to recognize that God owns everything. You are a steward, a caretaker of the resources God has given you. As a good steward, you will want to use your time and your money according to Biblical principles. God rewards His faithful stewards with spiritual blessings now and with an incorruptible inheritance in Heaven. Fifth in the BuildUP series.
About the BuildUP Bible study series: BuildUP Bible studies are designed to encourage spiritual growth in specific areas.
Believe the Gospel Understand Biblical Ethics Internalize Godliness Learn Doctrine Develop Life Skills Uplift Others Prepare to Serve Each study may be used individually or in small group settings.
Author Bio
H. Joseph Miller, a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Grand Rapids Baptist College, had a rich background in Christian education and the pastorate. He pastored churches in New Jersey and Florida and later served as a church development consultant. In retirement, he remained active in ministry at Starkey Road Baptist Church in Seminole, Fla., teaching an Adult Bible Fellowship class and launching Helping Hands, which assists widows and single parents with household repairs. He went Home to be with the Lord in January 2017.