Jeff Newman (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is administrator for missionary soul care at Baptist Mid- Missions. He previously taught Bible and Biblical counseling courses at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Sherry, have two children.

BuildUP Bible Studies #2 Set (Set of 7)
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978-1-594-02991-2 Buildup Bible Studies (Digital Formats Available) $54.99

BuildUP Bible Studies #2 Set (Set of 7)

BuildUP to Spiritual Maturity is an intentional plan to guide believers to grow in Christ in seven distinct areas. Each book in this series addresses one of those areas. The Bible studies in each book will challenge new and mature believers who realize their need for continued growth. The studies may be used individually or in a small group setting. Several studies use NJKV. Save when you purchase the set! About the BuildUP Bible study series: BuildUP Bible studies are designed to encourage spiritual growth in specific areas. B elieve the Gospel U nderstand Biblical Ethics I nternalize Godliness L earn Doctrine D evelop Life Skills U plift Others P repare to Serve Each study may be used individually or in small group settings.

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Conflict under Control
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978-1-594-02652-2 General Bible Studies (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Conflict under Control

Victory is letting Christ have His way in our hearts and minds.

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Conflict under Control <br>Spanish Version
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978-1-607-76635-3 General Bible Studies (Digital Formats Available) Price: $9.99
Sale Price: $2.99

Conflict under Control
Spanish Version

Have you ever struggled in the midst of conflict? Have circumstances, attitudes, and others' desires seemed to be against you? Conflict is everywhere. It shows up at work, at home, in church, in the government. Where can you look for help? The answer is, UP! Look up to Christ. This seven-lesson course based on Philippians can be used as an individual or group Bible study as you seek to get Conflict under Control. Spanish version

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Dependence in the Wilderness
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978-1-607-76935-4 Counseling Resources (Digital Formats Available) $17.99

Dependence in the Wilderness

Biblical Hope and Direction in Suffering

Written to lead you to greater faith in God as you experience the ordinary and arid journeys of life. (NASB)

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Facing Life's Challenges
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978-1-594-02661-4 Buildup Bible Studies (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Facing Life's Challenges

God's most breathtaking work takes place in the rough and stony places of our lives.

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