Daria Greening (MEd, Wright State University) has a wealth of teaching and administration experience in schools and church-education ministries. She and her husband, John, have served churches in youth and pastoral ministry and in associational leadership at the national level. John served as national representative of the Regular Baptist Churches from 1996 to 2018, with Daria serving as his executive assistant. Together they developed the BuildUP approach to church discipleship ministry.

Impact Parenting
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978-0-872-27717-5 Family (Digital Formats Available) $14.99

Impact Parenting

This study looks at Proverbs, a navigational resource for parents. 8 lessons

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Impact Teaching: <br>Building Lives the Master's Way
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978-0-872-27207-1 Teaching Resources (Digital Formats Available) $14.99

Impact Teaching:
Building Lives the Master's Way

With Jesus' teaching as an example, tips include how to capture and hold your students' attention, connecting the Bible to life experiences, expanding your repertoire of methods, and more. Related Product: Impact Teaching: Building Lives the Master's Way Leader's Guide CD

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Love Your Spouse
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978-1-642-13061-4 Faith and Practice Bible Studies (Digital Formats Available) Price: $9.99
Sale Price: $7.49

Love Your Spouse

Building a Strong Marriage Takes Sweat Equity

As with any building or remodeling job, constructing a sound marriage takes hard work and effort. You may have to demolish some shoddy construction before you can build the marriage right. At times you’ll feel like you’ve hit your thumb with a hammer and want to give up. Angry words will be spoken. You may wonder if the relationship can really work. Don’t quit! Christlike marriages can be built. The New Testament book of Ephesians shows how. So, roll up your sleeves; it’s time to get to work on learning how to love your spouse. Your marriage is worth the effort!

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Parenting: Ready or Not! (KJV)
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978-1-607-76353-6 Family (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Parenting: Ready or Not! (KJV)

Verses of Scripture and practical advice to encourage new parents.

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